Dear Mr. President,
I am writing you today to make you aware of a terrorist network that has infiltrated the borders of our great United States. This terrorist network has successfully killed many millions of Americans and is currently holding over 5.5 million Americans hostage and has sentenced us to a long drawn out death. The number of the hostages is growing at a staggering rate. I am fortunate enough to have been able to write to you as I have recently been held captive by this brutal killer terrorist network.
If you are not familiar with this killer network, it goes by the name of Alzheimer’s Disease and it is attacking our brains and killing us slowly. We have an opportunity to defeat this terrorist enemy network by increasing funding for Alzheimer’s Disease research through its main adversary the National Institute of Health and National Institute on Aging.
Please rescue us from our captor, the clock is ticking, we’re counting on you.
Thank you,
Jeff Borghoff
Living with Younger Onset / Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease